Sunday, September 16, 2012

Small update and NifSkope

Just a small update, I'm currently working with NifSkope to get Collada (dae) export working. This should help importing static 3D models.
Also with new Java terrain code can build whole main land zones again (including old frontiers), though I have resize project on-going in code side to get terrain and 3D model scaling much closer to DAoC sizes.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

DAoC CryEngine Conversion: enhanced Midgard keep

Added torches to old Midgard keep and now using same "Time of Day" settings as created for Cotswold
Thidranki Thidranki Thidranki Thidranki

Java library for MPAK file loading

Just uploaded simple java code which loads Dark Age of Camelot mpak files

Thursday, May 10, 2012

DAoC CryEngine Conversion: enhanced Cotswold

Here is few screen shots from enhanced Cotswold .. bump mapping, more detailed light system and some texture alpha change to lanterns and windows.
It's not perfect yet, but looks quite nice :)
Thidranki Thidranki Thidranki Thidranki

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

DAoC CryEngine Conversion: Cotswold

Quick editing CryEngine "Time of Day" settings and added fire particle setups ...

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

DAoC CryEngine Conversion: Retexturing keep

Higher resolution replacement texutres with basic bump mapping
Thidranki Thidranki Thidranki Thidranki Thidranki Thidranki

Monday, April 16, 2012

CryEngine3 in Camelot city video

There is still some broken textures and some missing parts.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

CryEngine3 in Camelot city

Here some first images from Camelot city ... it's hard to get it correctly done as it's built from 40 pieces.
Currently only 2 pieces in place, but I hope it's fully built tomorrow :)
Camelot City Camelot City

Friday, April 13, 2012

CryEngine Thidranki video

And quick video from CryEngine3 ...

Conversion moved to CryEngine SDK

Created small java library for quick reading DAoC MPAK files and running conversion "on-fly", so no more extracting everything first and then build conversion.
This makes things easier to extend, though current test conversion can only convert one zone .. so I need extend this to handle whole maps like before. Oh and I did finally find speed-tree mapping file which Mythic uses, so now I know which are correct trees I should map with :)

Anyway, here is some Thidranki samples from latest CryEngine SDK with some old and new tree assets (can't use Crysis assets in CryEngine SDK as it's not allowed).
Thidranki Thidranki Thidranki