Thursday, October 29, 2009

What if ...

New Thidranki video

Added textures, extra vegetation and different water.
Remember to use HD version of video. (one typo also slipped to video) :D

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Texturing Thidranki part 2

Quickly tested different water and this looks much better :)

Hibernia Frontier Screen shots

Latest screen shots where height is corrected.

That's Skar with a K - DAOC Scenery Running Within The Crysis Engine

Monday, October 26, 2009

Texturing Thidranki

Also added grass layer to scenery as this is too old scenery and Mythic didn't have grass map for this.


Water conversion is not perfect, so some artifacts in Crysis side.
Also in waterline, DAoC have textures in place, Crysis have only base color and default texture for whole map.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Conversion FAQ

"Can I have copy of map"
- No, I'm not going to release full maps, as all models are copyright by Mythic.

"Why you are doing this?"
- Just my personal interest for 3D Engines and Crysis.

"Can you make character models also"
- I can export static models to Crysis, basically also character model should be exportable, but as export do not give any animation and I do not have skill to make those, so conversion is quite useless :)

"Can you build ML9/Cities"
- This I checked quickly, there is not too many models in ML9, so it should be possible as I already converted some of models. But geometry working differently on those than normal terrain zones.
- Capital cities and some dungeons have just too many models to convert, so don't have time to make those.

"Daoc is working great, no need to new engine"
- Yes it's working, but Mythic/Gamebryo don't provide extra "candy" for users which like high end graphics and I think this is one of reasons why DAoC not get many new players anymore.

"have you contact Mythic?"
- I did contact Mythic, but did not get any replies yet.

"How this works?"
All terrain conversion things currently running top of Linux
- Extracted mpk with dempak (can be done also in Windows with DAoCMPAKManager.exe)
- shell script which converts heighmap pcx images to png and texture dds to tga.
- php script to read zone data and build Crysis xml layers and xml vegetation data.
- php script to combine heightmap data and build whole realm heightmap.
- php script to combine texturemaps to one big texture which is used as base color in Crysis.

If someone have more questions, just send those via youtube or reply to blog, I will try to reply those much as I can.

Barrows "Blocks"

Small test with Barrows models.
Lightning is not correct as model is never meant to be used this way.
Also don't have working conversion script for zone yet.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Agramon visit Thidranki

Built as static model.
No animation as there is no easy way to export those and I don't have skill to create animations.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Old Thidranki

So many memories :)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Updated 3D model tool chain used to export to Crysis (with XSI)

1. extract package with - DAoCMPAKManager.exe
- check zones/nifs in daoc.
2. latest nifskope to open model
- add correct texture paths to daoc folders in preferences
- delete collision/climb/door objects
- fix texture names to *.tga -> *.dds if not found correctly
- check that model looks ok and then export to *.obj
3. import *.obj to XSI Mod Tools
- import obj
- create Crysis export node
- move all parts under export node.
- select all model parts, scale x/y/z '0,018' and rotate x '-90'
- convert materials to Crysis and put Physics to Physical Proxy in materials (collision)
- save as XSI model (so it's easier to modify if some change is needed) and export to Crysis

Also remember that everything is copyrighted by Mythic, so don't share those models!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

New random screen shots

More fine tuned export, also configured grass and vegetation more correct sizes, still not perfect but better :)